
Exercises on Subject Verb Agreement with Answers


Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of the English language that is often overlooked by writers. This is a grammatical concept that dictates that the verb in a sentence should agree with the subject in terms of number and person. To ensure that your writing is grammatically correct and effective, it is essential to understand and master the rules of subject-verb agreement. To help you do that, we`ve created this article with exercises on subject-verb agreement, complete with answers.

Exercise 1: Identify the correct verb for the subjects in the following sentences.

1. The dogs (bark, barks) loudly at night.

Answer: bark

2. Every student in my class (have, has) a laptop.

Answer: has

3. The group of musicians (play, plays) for hours without a break.

Answer: plays

4. Neither the teacher nor the students (understands, understand) the instructions.

Answer: understand

5. My favorite author (write, writes) at least two books every year.

Answer: writes

Exercise 2: Choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject.

1. The book (is, are) on the table.

Answer: is

2. Each of the boys (has, have) a bike.

Answer: has

3. The committee (meet, meets) once a month.

Answer: meets

4. The company, as well as its subsidiaries, (is, are) profitable this year.

Answer: is

5. One of the top performers (is, are) expected to receive a promotion.

Answer: is

Exercise 3: Fill in the gaps with the appropriate verb form.

1. The team of scientists (conduct) research on the new virus strain.

Answer: conducts

2. The group of friends (go) to the beach every summer.

Answer: goes

3. The band (play) their instruments in harmony.

Answer: plays

4. Each of the employees (complete) their tasks on time.

Answer: completes

5. The collection of rare coins (is) worth a lot of money.

Answer: is

Exercise 4: Rewrite the following sentences to correct the subject-verb agreement.

1. The cat on the roof are afraid of heights.

Answer: The cat on the roof is afraid of heights.

2. The dog and the cat chases each other around the house.

Answer: The dog and the cat chase each other around the house.

3. Each of the books in my library have a unique story to tell.

Answer: Each of the books in my library has a unique story to tell.

4. All of the students in my class is failing the test.

Answer: All of the students in my class are failing the test.

5. The group of dancers are performing in the theater tonight.

Answer: The group of dancers is performing in the theater tonight.

In conclusion, mastering subject-verb agreement is critical for anyone looking to improve their writing skills. These exercises will help you identify and correct errors in your writing, ensuring that it is grammatically correct and effective. Keep practicing, and soon you will be able to write with confidence and clarity.


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