
What Word Means to Be in Complete Agreement


When people are in perfect harmony about something and completely share the same perspective, they are said to be in complete agreement. In other words, everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet; an individual`s thinking is congruent with the group, allowing them to come to a shared conclusion.

The term “consensus” is often used to connote an agreement or general understanding that has been arrived at after much discussion or debate. Consensus is a valuable tool in decision-making, as it allows a group of individuals to come to a mutually beneficial agreement that all parties accept and support. The term “unanimous,” on the other hand, implies that everyone in the group agrees with the decision made, and there were no dissenting opinions.

When people have matching opinions and are in agreement, it can lead to a harmonious working relationship, a more productive workplace, and a better quality of life. This is because there is clear communication, everyone knows what is expected of them, and there is a strong sense of teamwork.

In conclusion, the phrase “complete agreement” means that everyone in a group holds the same opinion about a particular matter. This can lead to a more harmonious relationship between individuals, a more productive workplace and a better quality of life. When everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal, there is nothing that can stop them from achieving success.


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